Lithuanian Junior Champion (LT JCH)

Latvian Junior Champion (LV JCH)

Estonian Junior Champion (EST CH)

Baltic Junior Champion (BALT JCH)

CACIB, multiple BOB, 8 Group Speciality Show  Winner BIS 4th place. 

Health results: HD A, ED 0/0, Eyes CERF clear
JDCM- probable normal, GM-1 normal, PRAprcd- carrier, PWD-MOS clear, EO PRA – clear. IC- clear.  

Bite is our young star with fantastic character. She is very kind to every person and requires a lot of hugs and scratches from every person she meet.  
Bite” means a bee in Lithuanian. But , no, Bite don’t sting.   She has goofy personality and makes us smile from her  strange antics all the time :).