Who We Are?

Thank you for visiting our website.
My name is Diana. I live close to the Baltic sea in Klaipeda. Here I would like introduce myself.
My life looks so similar to so much other people who care for animals. I have been crazy about animals from very young age; I had hamsters, parrots, rats, guinea pigs and even a grass snake. I also can’t forget so many wild animals (birds, small mammals) that I found injured and tried to take care of them. Not all animals survived, but I tried to save them to my best abilities.
And there are my dogs. The first dog was a boxer female that I grew up together. I was 9 years old when my parents deemed me old enough to take care of the dog myself and they weren’t disappointed. My boxer was perfectly trained and taken cared by me daily, without any help from parents. She lived for 13 years, I miss her till know.
Now I am 30+ year old woman, married and with little kid. And still very much crazy about animals, especially dogs. I also enjoy showing my dogs. I started my showing carrier with my bullmastiff in 2005 year. Since then I showed Chinese Crested, Bernese mountain dogs and now Portuguese water dogs. I enjoy show world and have here a lot of dear friends.
Since my first dog – a boxer, I had the Chinese Crested girl and bullmastiff boy, they were very dear friends, but they were not of the breeds that I would choose to acquire again. It had taken ten years for me to find the breed that I could love and breed.

Portuguese water dog is the One. They are healthy, playful, love to learn new tricks, and love to work together with me. They are small enough that they fit in my car and my things fit there too, they don’t have such serious problems with dysplasia as huge breeds (my bullmastiff had very bad hips). They are big enough, that I don’t have to worry, that some crow or fox will try to steal them (this is my experience with CC). They also are quite sturdy in hot or cold weather. I love my life with Portuguese water dogs, they don’t let to get bored and chalenge me for the new tricks daily; I love to work with them and eventually I plan to start water trials in our country. Hope this breed will be part of our family for the rest of our life.


Conformation and character

It is very important that the Portuguese Water Dog meets the breed standard. However, it is even more important that the character of the dog matches the expectations of the owners. It’s hard work and we keep improving over the years.

Health testing

All our dogs are tested for Hips, Elbows dysplasia and Eyes (CERF) diseases.
Additionaly we test the dogs for the genetic diseases:
PWDMOS, JDCM, GM-1, PRAprcd, EOPRA and IC. We are carefull to get healthy puppies without all those diseases.