Our little Ellie in CRUFTS 2017!

The news from the Crufts dog show in the UK. Our little girl Don’t worry be happy Vandens Stichija was the Best bitch out of 8 bitches! We are so proud of her. Congratulations, Joanna and Ricardo!

Portas haircut

Here is our boy Portas. In the first photo he has a coat all over the body. The coat was cut fully six months ago and here is the look how much he got back in a half year. The second and third photos Portas already in Lion trim :). It is the same day as a first photo, just the sun makes difference.

Thank you for the figures!

Thank you for these figures, Azbelltas Dekonga! 

I love them! 

These figures are my dogs taken from the photos.  Baika is standing, Nese is running and Aramis is galloping. 

Holidays to Denmark

We had a great holidays in Denmark and of course we took the girls with us. Ele and Nese loved the travel. Ferries are great way to travel with dogs. The only problem Ele also loves to occupy the bed….

Miss Orange – Carressa Vandens Stichija arrived to her new home!

Our girl Carressa went to her new home to the USA. I am so glad that the travel was great without any issues. Carressa was brought here by my puppies’ nanny – Jekaterina Roscina. Thank you so much, Katia, for your help once again!

The first photo is from Vinius airport (Lithuania), the last two from the new home in Tennessee (USA).

Winter fun with Aramis

Aramis is always a great help, he loves to be in action and don’t mind any of my ideas. 

He is not new to harness, but it is the first time, that he took the sledge instead of bike.

Winter has come!

It is the very first day with very cold and snowy winter weather.  PWDs big or small don’t mind such severe weather. They enjoyed every moment of the outing. I took some pictures. Sorry for the bad quality pics, the camera did mind the cold and worked very poorly. (the puppy, Mr.White, with one high white “sock” is looking for his forever home)